If you are the administrator of your emails you should be able to follow the below steps:

  1. Login to the SACKO webmail
  2. From the application menu, select the Enterprise icon.
  3. Go to View Accounts.
  4. Check the box next to each user you wish to cancel.
  5. Select the Cancel Account button located at the bottom of the user account listing.
  6. A notifcation will appear asking you to confirm the cancellation by clicking YES.
  7. To view cancelled accounts, select Cancelled Accounts from the filter drop down located above the User Division category.
  8. Cancelled accounts can be restored quickly and easily for up to 30 days after the cancellation date by selecting Restore.
  9. Restored users will move back to the Active Accounts listing visible by clicking the View Accounts section of the enterprise menu.

Also if you only have one account in the SACKO business email application then you will need to submit a support request asking for your entire account to be deleted.

*Please note If you have cancelled an account it is important to email us confirming that you have cancelled an account so we can confirm that you are no longer being billed for this account.