Step 1:

Log in to your WordPress Admin Account.

Step 2:

Once logged in, you will be then directed to your Dashboard. You will see different menus on the left side part of the page. Hover your mouse on Pages and click on Add New.

Step 3:

A new page will load which will give you the format of the page you are about to make. Fill in the necessary fields, such as the Title of the page and the Body (what the page is all about).

Scroll down and you will see the SEO fields (Focus Keyword, SEO Title & Meta Description) that you will need to fill in also.

Step 4:

If the page you are about to make is a Subpage, you also would need to change the Page Attributes found on the right side. Locate the Parent Page and change the Order of your choice.

If you are making a new Page, please just leave the Page Attributes as it is.

Step 5:

Once you are done, click on the Preview to see what the page you are making looks like. If you are not satisfied yet, you could always edit until you’re all good to publish the page.

Once everything is settled, click the Publish button.

Step 6:

Now that you have already published your page, what we need to do now is let that page appear at the Menu of your website


To do this, go back to your Dashboard and hover your mouse on Appearance and hit Menus.

On the Edit Menus you will see the Pages and the Menu Structure.

On Pages, locate and tick the square button of the page that you recently made and click Add to Menu. It will then appear to the Menu Structure, and now all you have to do is ‘drag and drop’ the page where you want it to be located.